The JMAC Approach
People who practice budo are members of a special group. They are seekers of truth, people who want something more from life than a paycheck and a nice home. They make unique contributions to their communities and to the world. They seek the true Japanese martial arts experience.
Here at JMAC, we make ourselves better through consistent, long-term practice. We like being in shape, we like having a mission of personal improvement, and we like knowing that we have a place where our instructors are also devoted to a lifetime of self-improvement.
The ideal martial artist:
Sets high standards for him or herself.
Abides by a code of personal conduct.
Values sincerity and politeness.
Is loyal, honor-bound, and courageous.
Training the Whole Person:
We help train the whole person through the traditional techniques and philosophies of the Japanese martial arts, with the goal of developing healthy, confident members of society. We strive to:
Strengthen your body with time-tested skills.
Train your mind through the discipline of kata.
Forge your spirit with focused repetition.
An exceptional training environment:
Our students love to practice. You will find that class is always enjoyable because you learn in an atmosphere of integrity, mutual respect and dedication.
Your training is systematic and safe.
You benefit from Ann Arbor's only fully sprung martial arts floor!
The techniques you learn are dynamic and based on proper physical structure.
You learn effective self-defense in judo and jujutsu.
Do You Want to Get Started on Your Mission of Personal Improvement?
If you're interested in Japanese martial arts, we'd love to have you come watch a class. Call us at (734) 645-6441 to arrange a time to visit or to talk more about which martial art you want to try!