Don't compare our rates with discount or fly-by-night training at the strip mall - this is serious martial arts

Want to train with expert instructors in a safe, inspiring dojo, and have access to expert martial artists who care about your success. JMAC is your only choice!

"The Japanese Martial Arts Center is a world class dojo with world class instructors! From their understanding of the principles and techniques of the martial arts studied to their unique ability to instruct the students in a down to earth understandable manner, it really is privilege to have such quality training here in Ann Arbor. The dedication by the instructors at JMAC is one of a kind." - Andrew B.




$80 value – Free!
Two 25-minute private lessons with an expert instructor (you can take the free intros with a friend)


$199 per month – Now only $179 per month! [mention offer code JCRU24]. Sign up today to get this low rate. Pay your first 2 months dues to start.


$165 per month – Now only $145 per month! [mention offer code JCRU24]. Sign up today to get this low dues rate. Pay your first 2 months dues to start.


Price is what you pay, value is what you get. No amount is worth it if your training is unsafe or uninspiring. Every day you train in second-rate martial arts is a day that takes you further from your goals. Surround yourself with people who are making themselves better and supporting you in your personal journey.

Our Director, Suino Sensei, is the highest ranking legitimate practioner of Eishin-Ryu Iaido outside of Japan. He's Managing Director of the Shudokan Martial Arts Association. He's the author of many books and articles about martial arts, and he teaches martial arts and business throughout North America. His top private students pay $10,000 per year or more and they're happy to do it. The reason? He helps them grow personally and professionally as well as in martial arts. 

By the way, have you checked into the fees charged by other schools? Are the rates they're charging actually just introductory rates? Do you get to attend 3-5 classes per week, or are you limited to 1 or 2 unless you pay a higher dues rate? Are there testing fees? (There are none at JMAC). Do you get your first uniform for free? Are they assembly line programs or do you get the attention of experienced black belt instructors in every class?


Try training at JMAC for two months. Discontinue your membership within 60 days if it’s not for you!


Your second martial art is only $60 additional per month!
Additional family members only $90 additional per month!

* Immediate, legal family members only. Not for significant others or extended family

PRIVATE LESSONS (These rates are available to JMAC members only)

Private Lessons with a JMAC black-belt instructor
30-minute lesson ($60 value) – You pay only $50
60-minute lesson ($100 value) – You pay only $80

Private lessons with JMAC’s Director
30-minute lesson ($150 value) – You pay $100
60-minute lesson ($300 value) – You pay $180

Sign up TODAY to lock in the current rate! CALL TODAY to set up your intro lessons - (734) 720-0330 or email us at

Now that you know what it's going to take, think about what you're looking for. We welcome visitors who really want to learn martial arts, who want to be safe and cooperative, and who are willing to work at getting better. You are probably capable being much better than you are right now - more fit, more focused, and more able to live the life you want.

Life is short ... get on the path to your personal transformation today!