4 Surprising Benefits of Enrolling Kids in Martial Arts

Why should you choose kids martial arts in Ann Arbor over other activities for your children?

Want to learn more about the benefits of kids martial arts?

In the Ann Arbor area and searching for an enriching experience for your kid?

As a parent of school age children, your time is limited and precious. So it makes sense that when you're looking for an after-school activity for your kid, you want to get the most out of your time. On the list of activities that have a lot to offer your kid, martial arts should be at the top. Sure, there's the obvious appeal of physical fitness and self-defense, but you might be surprised by some of the other benefits your kid will experience when they participate in martial arts, like improved focus and ability to learn. Whether your child enrolls in kids judo or kids karate — or our "Little Dragons" class for 4-6 year olds, you'll notice a number of surprise benefits that come from their participation.

Surprise Benefits of Kids Martial Arts in Ann Arbor

  1. Improved Attention: in other sports, kids experience negative consequences for losing focus, like missing a ground ball at third base. In martial arts, focus is expected but also consistently rewarded. And when minds wander, instructors reset with a ready stance and kids don't experience the pressure of letting down the team.
  2. Family Bonding: while you wouldn't take a class together until your kids are older, participating in martial arts can be a family experience. You might have back-to-back lessons so you can watch each other practice and work on moves at home. Or siblings might enjoy taking a class together and even learn to get along better at home through lessons of respect in the dojo!
  3. Confidence Boost: martial arts improve kids' confidence with self-defense skills. Whether or not your little one experiences bullies, they are likely to feel less intimidated in situations when they develop solid self-defense moves. Kids also build confidence by setting and achieving concrete goals such as mastering a skill, learning a new move, or moving up a level in their art.
  4. Fun: underlying all these benefits is the foundation of a fun and accepting atmosphere. When you give kids experiences and lessons in a fun way, they are more likely to learn and retain skills and stick with an activity long-term. While martial arts can be very structured and formal, instructors motivate kids through joy and encouragement, too!

Give Your Kid the Experience of Martial Arts in Ann Arbor at JMAC

You don't have the time to sign your kids up for every sport and activity under the sun, but you do have the opportunity to give them a really rewarding experience at the Japanese Martial Arts Center in Ann Arbor.

If you're ready to get your family involved in martial arts, contact a member of the Japanese Martial Arts Center today. You can get start by observing a class, scheduling private introductory lessons, or just asking our experienced staff a few questions. And remember, at JMAC your satisfaction is guaranteed. Give us a call today!